Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cipp Model of Evaluating a Curriculum Free Essays

CIPP Model of Evaluation The CIPP model was developed by Stufflebeam (1983) to evaluate curriculums through Context, Input, Process, and Product. The Context defines the operation within which the curriculum will be delivered. It determines the specific characteristics of the learners. We will write a custom essay sample on Cipp Model of Evaluating a Curriculum or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most importantly, it helps to establish a rationale for the determination of the curriculum objectives. In evaluation the context is used to define the environment relevant to the curriculum, describing the actual and intended conditions of the program, identifying unmet needs, and diagnosing barriers that prevent needs from being met. Input identifies and assesses the capabilities, strategies, and designs available for implementing the curriculum as related to the curriculum’s objectives. It determines what internal resources are needed to enable achievement of the objectives and to search for external resources when required. Also, the input phase considers the cost to implement the curriculum. In evaluation the input determines to what extent available resources were used to achieve the curriculum objectives. Process identifies the procedural design that will be used to implement the curriculum. The curriculum objectives are translated in specific activities that constitute the instructional design. In evaluation the process is used to identify deficiencies in the procedural design or in the implementation of the curriculum, i. e. , what actually took place during instruction. To provide information necessary to make modifications to the implementation strategies used during instruction. Product defines the measurable outcomes of the curriculum both during and at the completion of instruction. These outcomes are directly related to the curriculum objectives. In evaluation the product is used to compare actual outcomes against a standard of what is acceptable to make judgments to continue, terminate, modify, or refocus an activity. Evaluation of the Primary Science Curriculum (Levels Infants-Standard5) using the CIPP Model. This curriculum is sequenced into six (6) strands per level of the seven (7) syllabi in which it aids teachers in producing a lesson which helps pupils to develop important concepts in primary science. They help the pupil develop a sound understanding of the living and material world. The strands are: 1) Living things 2) Ecosystems 3) Matter and Materials ) Structures and Mechanisms 5) Energy 6) Earth and Space Context The relation of these courses to the other courses from level infants to standard 5 is the dept in which the topics have evolved in order for the students to gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method and broaden their minds. It is time adequate because it is spread throughout the three terms a nd is continued to a higher extent every level change. The critical/ important external factor is the ministry of education in which they develop the curriculum to host particular outcomes specific for the exams which follow these lessons at the end of each term. The courses can be integrated into each other for students to grasp knowledge of the methods used in understanding science as well as some of the courses implementing more hands on activities to further the learning process of each student. The links between the courses and research/extension activities are grounds in which the students gain more understanding of each topic through a combination of the new information to the already learnt knowledge from ideas like experiments and projects which help each student understand the content of the course. The course is needed for the students to develop skills in inquiry and the scientific method of investigation to boost the capacity of their learning abilities and will be very useful in society as employers are in need of employees with the ability to think critically and problem solve through the scientific method of investigation. Inputs The students enter with the ability of competence, curiosity, understanding, creativity, and sensitivity in the event of new knowledge within the science program. The learning styles of each student will differ but from the activities preformed by the teacher and fellow students to further understand the content the students will grasp the new information than if it were just â€Å"wrote learning†. The students become motivated when activities are introduced to the lesson. Some students may live in homes where they are not able to get information for projects which pertain to the lesson and the teachers make arrangements to accommodate these students. The student’s existing knowledge is that of life experience and when they are explained in class the students not have the capability to take the new knowledge and assimilate it with the old knowledge to form new schemes. The aims of the lessons are suitable to the levels in which they are specifically proposed. The objectives, specific to the lesson whether it be senses or space and time or enquiries, are derived from and complement these aims effectively. The course is very clearly defined and the knowledge skills and attitudes match each student’s ability to cope with the content of the lesson. The content of the lesson is appropriate to the age group in which it will be taught and is relevant to real life situations and experiences which makes it easier for the students to develop problem solving skills. The resources and equipment needed will be to further impart knowledge on the students such as field trips, charts, pictures, and experiments. The teachers and the students each have the specific texts books are the ministry provides these books for the schools. The teachers should have the ability to develop new methods in which to teach these lessons to the students as it centers on discovery by the students guided by the teachers. The time available is very different compared to the workload that must be done to accomplish the tasks set forward by the aims and objectives as the preparation for the lesson takes more time that other lessons due to the fact that the teach now has to facilitate and guide the learning rather than teach the content. Process The workload of students is now broaden as the students have more to accomplish on their own with the other subject areas to take into consideration as these science lessons require more from students. Students will participate in these types of lessons more than the others because it centers on students discovering their potential to investigate and acquire new information on their own with guidance from their teachers. There are little to no problems related to teaching and learning. Also there is an effective two way communication in which the teachers as specific question to arrive at the answer that facilitate critical thinking and problem solving in each student. The students use the knowledge transferred to them to further their understanding of the real world and apply this knowledge to new situations that arise. The students have no issues with using/applying/analyzing the knowledge and skills being learnt as they understand that it is present in everyday experiences. The teaching and learning process is continuously evaluated in the form of activities and written assignments such as projects and portfolios. The teachings of these lessons are not affected by practical/institutional problems because the teachers teach to one particular syllabus which can fit into any program whether different in terms of culture or religion. The students and teachers need to be very understanding to each student for the duration of imparting knowledge as it develops interpersonal skills. The discipline is maintained by the teacher who asserts the time in which each student must speak and quickly disciplines while teaching the class. Unknown to the class the teacher controls the level of noise through transitional methods which grasp the attention of each student. Product At the end of each term an examination is conducted to evaluate the content taught during the course. There is no information on the final assessment of the science curriculum but there are assessments at the end of each lesson. The assessments of the lessons are designed toward the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes) of each student towards the content of the lesson. The KSA after a course was reported as improved as each child developed new skills in which they can process new information and investigate new ways in which to respond to questions. Students use what they have learnt to develop new skills in the simple processes like play. Each student has developed an understanding of the overall experience during each lesson and has developed new skills of deduction. The main lessons learned were to stimulate curiosity and creativity, develop competence in the use of knowledge and scientific method, and develop a critical awareness of the role of science in everyday living. The official report is done and sent to the ministry to further evaluate the determine the effectiveness of the curriculum and to alter what may be needed to change. Teachers whom have the ability to successfully teach the science curriculum will have an added merit to their reputation and the ministry will see no need to change the curriculum while if there were more teachers that have failed to effectively teach the science curriculum the ministry will reevaluate the content make amendments to the curriculum. How to cite Cipp Model of Evaluating a Curriculum, Papers

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