Monday, December 30, 2019

Formal Communication - 1208 Words

Formal Communication Formal communication can be considered as communication efforts that are â€Å"dressed up† to fit customary rules and ceremony For example, in a written letter, the formal communication style will demand that the layout of the piece of written communication follow a specific format that includes the date, header, salutation, body of the letter, close, signature lines and any indicators of enclosures all placed neatly upon company letterhead or personal stationery. By contrast, an informal piece of written communication can be as simple as a jotted note to a friend on a torn slip of paper Formal communications are mostly written, although they may now also include formal presentations that are on computer disk, video tape†¦show more content†¦Such formal communication is well established and planned. For example, reports and data from staff are organized are generally submitted in prescribed templates and according to a set schedule. Communication focused on a company’s strategy and direction, which originates from company executives, is funnelled through the organizational chart and changed in such a way to be relevant to each department and manager. What starts out as â€Å"high-level† communication on corporate strategy needs to be thought out through planning sessions so that the communication provides direction and is actionable for the individuals who implement the tasks of the strategy. The better the communication the better employees and staff will understand what is expected and required of them. advertisement Communicate Better, Lead Better Successful people are good communicators. Enhance your communciations skills with the guide to Being an Effective Communicator. Informal Communication in the Workplace On the other hand, informal communication in the workplace satisfies a variety of needs, particularly social and emotional, and are not based on the positions individuals occupy within the organizations. As a result, the communication is not managed or planned in any organized fashion. It’s more relaxed, casual and tends to be spread by word-of-mouth quickly throughout a department or organization because it’s not restricted to approvals andShow MoreRelatedFormal and Informal Communication2242 Words   |  9 PagesFORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION Theoretical review 1. What is communication? a. Verbal communication b. Non-verbal communication c. Interpersonal communication d. Organizational communication 2. Types of organizational communication:- a. Formal b. Informal 3. Types of formal communication 4. Types of informal communication 5. Advantages and disadvantages of formal communication 6. 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