Thursday, October 31, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Journal - Assignment Example e while women is receptive.In every culture, gender role is influenced by various sources including parental expectation, modeling by peers, and media images of male and female. For instance, Scandinavian culture appears to have a more egalitarian gender role such as norms of behavior and personal traits at home and work are not defined solely on gender.In contrat, Arabs have strict implication of gender role which expect women to cover head and walk behind husband.Across many cultures males are expected to be strong,independent, self – reliant, emotionally detached and women are taught to be nurturing, dependent, gentle and emotional.Gender role is the public expression ofone’s gender identity.In many cultures men learn to be aggressive and women learn to be passive.A family from the birth of a child imposes gender role on them and bring them up as male or female.Basically the attitude and behavior of male and female is molded according to the cultural environment he or sheis grown up

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