Thursday, February 13, 2020

Work sheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Work sheet - Assignment Example lingering aftermath of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a contemporary technical innovation which provides a â€Å"new method to improve the efficiency of cleaning up oil spills, using magnets† (Hall, 2012), holds significant potential. This new method is the brainchild of Markus Zahn, a professor of electrical engineering at MIT, and the research team led by Shahriar Khushrushahi of MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. MIT had a breakthrough in January, and unveiled its new concept in September this year, posting it as a YouTube video. This innovation originated in Zahn’s concept that, if oil was magnetic, it could be easily separated from water using magnets. It works on the concept of magnetized fluids, or ferro-fluids. These are synthesized fluids, made up of 10 nanometer magnetic nanoparticles coated with a surfactant to stabilize it within a host liquid. They are typically water or oil based. The mixture of oil and water is collected in a restricted space. The oil is made magnetic by the addition of the magnetic nanoparticles. The magnetic oil is then separated from the water, using large magnets, giving clean water and magnetic oil. Using existing technology, the magnetic nanoparticles are removed from the oil, and the oil is recovered and recycled. (Zahn and Khushreshahi, in Hall, 2012). The concept is implemented through an arrangement of cylindrical magnets which are embedded vertically in a large tank. Globules of oil from the magnetic oil and water mixture rise above the water line and are scoope d up by large magnets. (Casey, 2012). The current methods of cleaning oil spills are of five types, each of which is attended by significant shortcomings. The first method just leaves the oil alone, letting it disperse by natural means. This has the possibility of polluting coastal regions and marine industries. The second method uses dispersants to break up the oil and accelerate its natural biodegradation. The

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Evaluation of Professional Development Plan (Reflective paper) Essay

Evaluation of Professional Development Plan (Reflective paper) - Essay Example Established what made the communication process with patients difficult. 6th day I made a self-assessment to evaluate if I knew the different methods of communication and if I applied these to my patient. Established that I knew only few skills and methods in communication 7th day Established the different gaps of communication in my communication patterns Established the gaps I had in patient communication 8th day Reviewed information from books and journals on how other methods of communication can apply to health care scenarios Established how new skills in communication apply to efficient communication in health care 9th day Write down these methods and how each method can be carried out Wrote down how I can enhance my skills in communication 10th day Apply such methods in communicating with the patient Used new communication skills in communicating with patients 11th day Made a self-evaluation on the gaps seen in the communication with the patient while applying such new methods of communication: Established rapport with patients: use their names, make casual conversations, initiate introductions Established my weaknesses while applying new communication skills 12th day Made adjustments and changes in the application of such new methods of communication based on feedback from the patient and other health professionals Implemented changes in communicating with patients based on patient feedback. Reflection In applying the action plan above, I was able to discover that there are different communication skills which are needed to ensure efficient communication. First and foremost, I discovered that in effectively communicating with the patient, a two-way flow of ideas is a very effective means of communicating (McConnell, 1993). In this regard, I cannot be the one who keeps talking or the patient cannot also be the one who is talking. I found that in applying a two-way process of communication, I was able to gain much information from the patient (McConnell, 1993). I also found out that as a nurse, it is best for me to be the one to initiate introduction with the patient. I started off conversations by introducing myself to the patients with a handshake and a smile. This immediately made the patients relax and feel at ease (Young, 2009). Starting off the conversation with small talk also helped ease the communication process (Fernandez, 2010). After shaking hands with the patients, I made a casual remark about the weather. Most of the time, they easily responded to that; they also made negative or positive remarks about the weather. One time, I walked into a patient’s room while the patient was watching a basketball game on TV and we then started talking about the game and our favorite teams.